If we take the meaning of the word ‘Geometry’ from its roots, It becomes to mean ‘measurement of the earth.’  Indeed, geometry has an ancient history and it began when men felt the need to measure their lands. Measurement of lands was necessary if one was to sell or to buy a land or even to divide a land for purposes of irrigation or yielding crops. They could do so with shapes and figures that we call geometric figures. Even today, in the building of houses, huts, wells, doors, bridges, canals, etc. One has to go in for measurement of geometrical figures.

Many ancient civilizations, such as Egyptian and Greek, had to do such measurements deeply and that is how geometry became a subject of study in ancient times. In ancient India, people had to take geometrical measurements for purposes of construction of a place for sacred fire. Many great Indian mathematicians like Brahmagupta and Aryabhata, wrote a number of classis books on geometry. So, the idea of shapes and figures and the need for measurement has been there since long.

 In geometry, we learn how to construct such figures and understand their basic properties like position, shapes and size and their relations to one another. Geometry is science of properties and relations of figures.